Monday, 30 April 2007

jokes ..

read below : do not curse me if u do not happen to like them

all the jokes below have been made by me most while studying chemistry...

with what disease would you associate people who have lots food?

why could santa not deliver gifts on christmas eve?
because he had "CLAUS"TROPHOBIA

kya aap ke pass cd pe songs hai ? thought proving they can climb!
(just in case u dint get it- cd=ladder )

where do cows go for a holiday?

which cell phone companys handsets do horny people use?
SONY Erection !

why did the gray hounds not run the race?
because they were DOG TIRED from practise !

which day of the week is a nightmare for people who observe a strict diet ?

an ant once had a very bad stomach ache...what did the doctor prescribe?

once a few sardars went for a holiday to a town called pushkar and while over there they attended a fair...and ..started to push people out of the way ...when asked why they said... that they were at pushkar mela !!

what is the difference between u (dear reader) and i ?