.. is a transparent inanimate occupation of space where light filters through with the full knowledge of existence. Rendered invisible, reflecting people and spaces.
Perched on a metal deck
above the road rendered fluid by liquid crowd
flowing like a river
engulfing steel cans that hustle in and out.
There is an explosion of colour as we descend.
now immersed, from within we see the deck hanging above
above which clouds hang, painting the background.
Yellow blue plastic sheets take off from the ground
to compete with foliage of the trees.
Objects and bodies assemble and align themselves
to the organised chaos of the streets.
Sunday, 14 August 2011
cleaning up is discovering the past.
memories. forgotten things.
today, for instance i discovered my first pair of shoes. they have a story to tell.
i wore them only once. they did not fit my ever growing gigantic foot.