we have been taught over the last 5 years that architecture is the mother of all arts.
during a presentation an intelligent(?) woman told me that since i was an architect, i did not have the liberty to play with form the way a sculptor could. she said that the relationship of form and fuction was of utmost importance. tied down by social responsibility, an architect cannot afford to have such freedom.
this was disturbing.
36 hours later at marine drive i realised why.
the 2 hour long discussion i had with a friend included :
why vote for rahul gandhi ?
why vote for change like the us did for obama and there has been no visual change ?
whats the gaurantee that rahul gandhi will be able to usher in change ?
would rahul gandhi take up the post of pm ?
would his mother let him ?
wtf was the budget ?
is budget session the end of economic reforms ?
if parnab mukherjee did not show any kind of concerns then, what is the gaurantee that he will later ?
what was that rail budget by mamta didi ?
tagore museums?
bridges in andaman ?
101 services on central rly, suburban mumbai ? 15 coaches ?
what a freakin eyewash ! is this really going to change the travel conditions in mumbai ?
whay allow industrial development on agricultural land ?
what is with the SEZs ?
why cant empty land along the rail routes that is barren be developed as SEZs ?
why are they picking fertile land to make townships for the rich ?
whay can't the government acknowledge that ours is an agrarian economy ?
wouldnt that be the end of all problems and pave the way for policies to aid the economy ?
why should we as a nation have to import food when theres metric tonees that get wasted and rot because of bastard politcians ?
in the current scenario, where does an architect find his place ?
is he required only at a policy making level ?
is he required to furnish and decorate spaces within market designed idiot shells ?
is he a prostitute to profits of builders ?
is he a brainless draughtsman who calculates how to illegaly steal FSI in order to pocket more money ?
is he a service provider to the rich who can afford to construct their homes ?
is he expected to settle down amidst all this and find a small footing to stand on, and then become a slave to the client, therefore money ?
why are open spaces 13th on the priority list of the mayor ?
why does the mayor not have development authority of the MMR ?
citing examples of Bilbao, Satolas and Millau and hundreds of state funded projects carried out by masters, why do we have to live in a shit hole where the civic administration is busy getting their ceilings painted and lawns trimmed on our tax money ?
we pay the maximum tax in the entire fucking countery? where do we see it reflected ? in freakin delhi ??????
why is it we cannot talk about great indian architects beyond doshi, correa, rewal, kanvinde, baker, nari gandhi, etc.
are our new generation ( including ours) born without balls or brains ?
why did the nation stop thinking beyond that age.. ?
after nehru and early independence why has there been no state funded great architecture ?
is it because of our education system ? syallabus ?
or is it the fact that current schools are builder funded, thus they produce idiots whose only jobs are to calculate fsi ?
what happened to envisioning space the way the masters have taught us ? left behind for us to see ?
advantage of a coalition govt. - brings many different ideas to the table that can lead to positive growth.
disavantage of coalition govt. - they become slaves to each other, every decision held ransom.
advantge of a single party democracy - un-questioned power, that can therefore bring about change.
disadvantge - un-questioned power.
i realised that all these concerns had their root in what an intelligent(?) woman told me ...
if this is the way we are going to continue,
(a) it just takes a man to expose the prevailing systems. at that time, all those conected with this industry racket are going to have it bad.
(b) suffer and manage to find a middle ground if there is one.
or is it as simple as,
"there will be no great architecture or great architects without great patrons." - lutyens